Sharable links
Create shareable links in an instant and let us handle the rest, from generating a unique link to emailing it directly to your recipient—all with just a few clicks.
Effortless file sharing, your way. Fast transfers, strong security, and full control over access—tailored to your needs.
Drag and drop files here, or click to select files
Create shareable links in an instant and let us handle the rest, from generating a unique link to emailing it directly to your recipient—all with just a few clicks.
Roceet brings all your devices together. Whether you're on mobile or desktop, link them seamlessly and enjoy fast, secure file transfers anytime, anywhere.
Control your file transfers like never before. Connect multiple devices and choose your target with precision, making sure your files arrive safely on the intended device, every time.
Use Roceet to your advantage, we provide you with the tools to manage your data the way you want.
Get a clear picture of your data’s journey. With Roceet’s analytics, track who’s accessing your files, when they’re being accessed, and the methods used—all presented in easy-to-understand insights that help you stay informed.
Your data is strictly yours—Roceet’s role is purely logistical. We don't alter, inspect, or interact with your data in any way. Our mission is to facilitate safe, fast transfers while upholding complete ownership.
Your uploads, your rules. Roceet’s privacy controls let you set passwords, limit downloads, and target specific devices, giving you peace of mind and total control over who sees your files.